More info about Project S.Q.U.I.R.E.

Project SQUIRE is a WIP Game I've been spriting for about three months or so. Zero Kirby has just got involved with the engine and we're working on a game for my custom sprites to be used in.

Here's a FAQ page for P.S.

What is SQUIRE?

A work-in-progress game. Here's the story: The year is 2037. The world has become a desolate place of destruction and war. Death encircles our planet, hopelessly ravaged by the S.Q.U.I.R.E. army, led by their vicious leader, Nero Stormcross. It all began in 2032, however. Years earlier, a gargantuan asteroid was spotted looming somewhere in space, in a line straight towards earth some years later. At first, people thought nothing about it, like it was but a minor threat and that it would pass by unnoticed. They were wrong.

The asteroid was indicated to be traveling towards earth in a direct impact line in 2025, and scientists all around the world began working together to try and stop the disastrous asteroid from harming the world. Scientist Nero Stormcross then arose from the picture and introduced his invention, his "lovechild", called the Noxis, to be launched into space. His theory was that the Noxis would create a sort of "vortex" effect, and, in a principle similar to how a black hole works, would destroy the asteroid and suck up the pieces in order to keep earth same from the aftermath of the explosion.

And it worked. The asteroid was destroyed, and earth was saved. Nero won all sorts of prizes and awards, and his fame skyrocketed off the charts, becoming known as "The Man who Saved the World." But his fame was shortlived. Nero's power and fame corrupted his smart, heroic mind, and he then began to think that everyone should be like him, that everyone should be a heroic genius.

That was when his idea for a one world order came into play- the S.Q.U.I.R.E., or the Sononeuclionic Quindonic Urerthrum Ionic Robotic Entities. These words, made for the therum Nero had created the Noxis, became used more powerfully, along with the tons of new scientific advancements that had been created.

Then, in a scary turn of events, thousands of humans, innocently, were killed in an attempt to show the world what Nero wanted- humans dead, or S.Q.U.I.R.E. alive. Millions submitted to his new world order, thinking they could use an upgrade to the "inferior minds" that they now possesed. But Nero's S.Q.U.I.R.E. design wasn't just a mere brain-enhancer, it was a whole new body for the person who possesed it.

Then, The Resistance was formed. Dex, our hero, had been living peacefully until Nero's outbreak, and they had went into hiding and joined The Resistance. The Resistance fought back for a few years, when Dex was young, still in hiding underground. But the safety encampment of the Resistance was found and destroyed by the S.Q.U.I.R.E. And Dex saw it all- his parents transformed, his brother slaughtered, and his best friend fighting by his side. The end was near, however, and the battle was almost won by the S.Q.U.I.R.E. A lazer from an oncoming Sweeper robot caught Dex offguard and he was brought to the ground, only hearing his best friend's voice saying, "You'll be safe..."

This is where our story begins.

Is SQUIRE an original game?

Yes, it is. All ideas are came up with by myself or Zero Kirby. And other friends and supporters, of course.

Will SQUIRE be playable?

If ZK finishes it, yes. That all depends on my spriting as well.

-More to come-