Coming Attractions - THE FIRST LEVEL!??!?!?!?!?

LA GASP! It looks like... yes, it may be... OH MY GOD.


Yes, through perseverance, time, and a bit of luck, the first level of Project S.Q.U.I.R.E. is coming soon to a download site near you.

Now now. Don't get your hopes too high; I've got a hell of a glitch happening that's bugging me right now. Soon as I flush it out, though, you'll be seeing some pretty quick progress as the level forms.

Unfortunately, there may not be any dialog or text. This depends on a bit of code I'm hoping to scrounge up. Don't hope too much though.

Anyway, here's to a hopeful demo!

Engine Demo 6/7/08 - Hell of a day.

'Sup folks! I'm the main programmer for Project S.Q.U.I.R.E. In other words, Zero Kirby. But enough of that. Obviously my post is very important so listen up! - Visit this link right now.

That contains a basic engine test of the combo system. You got your punches, uppercuts, spikes; all that jazz. A detailed list of attacks is at the bottom of this post.

And sorry, but the music will not appear in the final product. Some friends at Namco/Bandai wouldn't be very happy with me; it's from Soul Calibur 2 (look that up on VGMusic if you have to).

---- Controls ----

A: Jump
S: Dash
D: Attack
Arrows: Move/Duck

1: Normal Afterimages
2: Constant Afterimages
3: No Afterimages (recommended for slower computers)

D: Punch (stuns)
D+Up: Uppercut (throws opponent up)
D+Down: Slide (also throws opponent up but not quite as effective in combos)

D (midair): Spike (spikes enemy back down to the ground)
D+Down (midair): Down Kick (bounce off of an enemy upwards)

If you are a MIDI composer or know someone who is, and are very good at it, try applying for a job. Head down to MFGG and find one of the SQUIRE topics in WIP Games or WIP/Sketch.

Enjoy the engine demo!

Zero Kirby