
Welcome to the home of Project S.Q.U.I.R.E., a game project created by Dex and Zero Kirby. I'm Dex and I'm hoping to keep this new site up-to-date with all the information on the Sprites, Art, Engine, and etc. for the game. I will be adding more art and more SQUIRE elementes as Zero Kirby and I update, so stay tuned and cross your fingers and hope we'll finish this game!

June 20th, 2008- Dex:  Zero Kirby leaves

Zero Kirby has left for a few weeks on a trip to Montana, so no updates will follow prior to this one on the engine until he returns. SQUIRE was scheduled to have a demo today, but Zero Kirby's laptop was locked up for safekeeping for the trip and nothing could be done.

I thank everyone that understands this mishap. SQUIRE will be sure to have a demo up and running by the time he returns.


Spriter Dex

News Post 6/16/08 - Zero Kirby - Dex Isn't Around Right Now

It seems that Dex has run into a bit of trouble on his end and is unable to update the graphics section of the site. So he's leaving it up to me for now.

Also, some info on a possible first level demo is up.

Summer's approaching, and with it, I won't be around very much to work on the game. So hopefully Dex can fix things up over on his end and update the site without me.

Update 6/15/08 - Zero Kirby - Mysterious Disappearance Explained

Hey! Most of you may have realized I haven't been online in quite a while (especially Dex, no doubt) and wondering where the Saturday update sulked off to. Well, I suppose it's partly my fault it isn't here. But frankly, I haven't had a whole lot of time to get it up and I still need the music from my pal.

I'm still a part of this project, guys. I really am. But, Friday is approaching dangerously fast; that's when my much longer disappearance will occur, and I won't be around to update for at least two to three weeks. Long time, no SQUIRE, I suppose.

I've also been exploring other uses of the "Squire Engine" as it is now. I have no doubts I'll come back to the engine later to use it in more games after SQUIRE. More than likely the Just Another Just Another Day game, but maybe for BlackRocket 2.0, a project I abandoned way back when.

Why'd I put this on the home page? Well, you guys need to see what happened, and this isn't an engine update.

Also, I uploaded the source code once to ask for help from various members of MFGG. You guys know who you are. I applaud you for your efforts in helping me, but I must ask you one favor. Delete the source code from your computer. I mean it, guys. SQUIRE is an engine I developed myself for use by myself only, and I never intended to release it to the public. Thank you.

~ Zero Kirby
      Main Programmer